Total Quality Management Mcq with Answers PDF Notes

Total Quality Management Mcqs Questions with Answer Free "PDF" 1. Choose the incorrect statement regarding the need for quality. Markets have become more competitive Quality provides sustained performance Quality provides customer satisfaction It is the trend nowadays to introduce quality 🟢 ✔️ 2. Michael bought a new washing machine which is not performing its primary function of washing clothes properly. What should the executive at customer care suggest Michael? To sell the washing machine To buy a new washing machine To assure the customer that a specialist will visit their house the following day 🟢 ✔️ To lease the washing machine 3. Quality is fitness for use. Identify the quality guru who said this. Deming Crosby Juran 🟢 ✔️ Taguchi 4. How can quality be quantified? (Q=Quality, P=Performance, E=Expectations) Q=P/E 🟢 ✔️ Q=P+E Q=P-E Q=P*E 5. Quality is conformance to requirements. Identify the quality guru who said this. Ishikawa Crosby 🟢 ✔️ Ohno Dem...